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Special Education

Make a Difference Teaching Special Education 

The demand for special education teachers is among the highest in the field of education. Because of that, earning a degree in special education will make you a highly sought after teacher in the workforce. Driven by understanding and empathy, you can become a successful special education teacher with the one-on-one support you will receive from our education faculty.

With an endorsement in special education, you’ll work closely with counselors and parents to develop individual education plans, which will allow you to work closely with colleagues, families, and affiliated professionals to develop and implement individual education plans.

A Small Campus Allows for Students to Be Involved 

Special education was significant to Gabby.

“I really like working with students who have special needs because you get to focus on their strengths, and you get to help them find new ones,” she explained. “You get to integrate them into a school, and you get to help them thrive.”

Gabby expects her psychology and music minors will assist her in her teaching role. “I added psychology because I think it’s important to know developmentally where kids are,” she said. “I really enjoyed my child psychology class, which inspired me to go deeper into psychology to understand how students function as well as how the rest of the world functions.”

While she tried to absorb all the knowledge about becoming an educator, Gabby also became heavily involved in activities on campus at 赌球平台推荐台.